Young Empowered Women’s Project

The Young Empowered Women’s (YEW) Project supports young women aged 11-18 in Mid & East Cornwall who have experienced any form of sexual violence, harassment or abuse.

We listen to young women’s voices and empower them to live the lives they choose for themselves.

The YEW Project offers safe and creative spaces in which young women can be heard, make connections with each other and be celebrated through one-to-one sessions, group work or both.  

"I actually feel like I have my life back, like I am not just surviving. I want to do things."

One to One Sessions

Our one to one sessions offer empowering, confidential support for up to 16 weeks. In these spaces, young women are given time the time they deserve to explore their feelings and the impact of their experiences. The sessions take place at our Centre in Bodmin or at the young woman’s school, college or in the community. Our support is based on our Specialist Support empowerment model, however we always follow the young woman’s lead and listen to what she tells us she needs.

Group Work

Our 8-week programme of Empowerment Workshops gives young women the opportunity to take part in activities such as creative writing, painting and bushcraft. We also look at the ways in which violence and abuse has affected their lives by looking at areas such as trauma, shame and anger. Our of the 8 sessions, 3 are led by Viv Gordon. Viv’s ‘Finding The Words’ work is a creative way to explore feelings, use our imaginations and write beautiful poetry. It is accessible and for all abilities.

Walking Groups

Once young women have been referred in for support, they are invited to join walking groups throughout the rest of the year both during and after their support.

This is a chilled time to chat, catch up and spend time together outside!


We believe in the power of righteous anger! Young women are the future and society needs to hear their voices. During and after support, we invite young women to become involved campaigning to end violence against women and girls including our annual Reclaim The Night events.

“I cant put into words the sense of community I feel in the group. Every person here is a complex person going through their own types of pain and healing. It makes me feel accepting of myself to think the shame I feel, my darkest secret is communal.”

Follow our Young Empowered Women’s page on Instagram to become inspired by their artwork, poetry and more @youngempoweredwomen


If you are a young woman aged 11-18 currently living in mid/east Cornwall, you can refer yourself to the project below or just reach out and we can have a chat.

We can also take referrals from professionals and care givers.

You are welcome to reach out to us

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